The Form Lab Policies


Appointment-based offerings (Personal Training, FST, Nutrition Coaching, Reiki, and Massage)

  • Cancellation policy: The studio must be notified no less than 24 hours in advance of any appointment. Failure to cancel will result in incurring 100% of the cost of the appointment.

  • Accepted methods of notification are:

Personal Training Sessions

  • Personal training arrival policy: we continue to have a 24 hour cancellation policy for these (and all appointments). For late arrivals, your trainer will wait no longer than 20 minutes to start your session. After 20 minutes, they will not be available to complete the session. In addition, all late arrivals will mean the session time is shortened, we cannot go beyond the booked session window to respect the schedule of other clients and the trainer's schedule. We appreciate your understanding.

  • All personal training clients must first meet with a trainer for a 30-minute consultation prior to starting personal training sessions. We do not allow new clients to be brought to personal training sessions without trainer consult.

  • Each personal training session is designed specifically for you by your trainer. While you may be in a session with other clients, these are individualized appointments.

  • Clients may reserve the ability to train 1:1 without a partner. If another client asks to join as a partner, the decision rests with both the original client and trainer.

  • Partner Training Sessions:

    • If you need or would like a training partner in your session, please notify your trainer and/or the front desk staff. We will make every effort to find a training partner for you, but cannot guarantee it. In addition, some clients may need 1:1 attention, and for safety reasons may not be granted the ability to book personal training appointments with another client.

    • If you are in a personal training session with the partner and they early-cancel (more than 24 hours notice), we will notify you via email or update your appointment so that you receive a notice that your appointment type has changed. You have the option to keep or cancel your new appointment type (solo vs. partner). If your training partner(s) late-cancels, you will not incur the additional session cost.

  • When personal trainers are out or on vacation, we will make every effort to find a substitute trainer and will notify clients ahead of time to give the option to keep or cancel the appointment.

  • We do not allow new bookings less than 24 hours in advance of the appointment time so that the trainer can adequately prepare each individual’s personal training program.

  • Each personal training client is responsible for booking and canceling/changing their own appointments, We cannot honor scheduling requests from friends, family, or training partners.

  • We strongly encourage clients who desire regular sessions to request recurring appointments. These are booked out through the calendar year to reserve your spot  (1:1 or  2:1) with the trainer of your choice on the day/time you desire. You do NOT pay up front to hold the spot, only per session on the day of service. If you are unable to attend at least 75% of your sessions,  we reserve the right to ask you to move to booking one session at a time.

Group Classes (Cardio HIIT, Strength HIIT, Tabata, TRX, Kinstrectch in Practice, & all Yoga)

  • Group classes should be booked in advance on our website or via the mobile app (links below) to ensure availability.

  • Classes can be scheduled up to 30 days in advance of the desired group class booking date.

  • Classes can not be booked past your auto renew date for group class membership

  • We will not admit extra clients above the class maximum.

  • First time clients should arrive 10 minutes early to ensure proper familiarization with the facility and that they are present for the entire demo at the start of class. This policy ensures minimal disruption to the class and that all new clients can start class in an informed and safe manner.

  • Returning clients who arrive after the demonstration ends (7 minutes after class start) will not be allowed to enter and will be assessed for late cancellation. This policy ensures ALL clients can start class in an informed and safe manner.

  • If you are on the waitlist for a class and you get into class, late cancellation policies still apply. It is your responsibility to check if you get off the waitlist. If you are moved off of the waitlist into a class, you will receive an email and text notification. The text notification allows you to accept or decline being put into class (Y/N). If you are entered into class, group class cancelation policies still apply. Please make sure you have not disabled email or text notifications in your profile for this reason!

  • Waitlisted clients may enter class for the demo at the start of class if a registered client(s) is(are) not present. We reserve the right to remove the waitlisted client(s) from class if the registered client(s) arrive w/in the allotted 7-minute window.

  • Group classes must be canceled 8 hours or more prior to the start of class to avoid cancellation fees or loss of class credits. A late cancellation or no-show for a drop-in or Bronze Membership results in the loss of one class credit, while for Unlimited Silver and Gold Members, there is a $10 fee that will be charged to the credit card on file (fees subject to change).

  • Cancellation methods:

Group Class Memberships

  • All memberships are set up on a recurring monthly basis and are on auto-pay. This means that the membership and auto-payment will continue until the membership is canceled. Accepted auto-payment types are: debit/credit cards or ACH direct-debit withdrawals.

  • There are no initiation fees for group class memberships.

  • Classes do not roll over to the next month on Bronze or any Unlimited membership.

  • Classes may not be transferred between clients whether they are purchased as a drop-in or part of a group class membership.

  • Canceling Group Class Memberships:

    • To cancel or change your group class membership type, we must receive an email request at least 10 business days prior to your next autopay date. Email cancellation requests should be sent to:

    • There are no fees for canceling group class memberships.

    • We do not put memberships ‘on hold’ or charge a fee for this, instead, if you will not be able to use your membership for an extended period of time, we encourage you to cancel your membership and rejoin when you can make full use of it. We cannot process more than 3 membership cancellations/reinstatements (which includes upgrades & downgrades in membership types) for the same client within the same calendar year.

    • If you need to cancel your membership for a health-related reason, resulting in a refund, whether full or partial, of your membership fees, you must present documentation from your physician stating that you are unable to participate in the activities offered at The Form Lab. We DO NOT ask for HIPPA protected information or details regarding the nature of your physical condition. To restart activity at The Form Lab, or to reinstate a membership, we require similar written documentation from your physician.

Drop - In Classes

  • Pricing differs between class types, as does the group class size.

  • Late cancellations (canceling with less than 8 hours notice, or no-show) will result in loss of the drop-in class credit.

  • We do not offer class packs.

Clients Under the Age of 18

  • For clients 14-17 years old, we allow unaccompanied participation in any of our classes or offerings, however, a legal parent/guardian must sign the liability waiver.

  • For clients under 14 years old, we require the child to be accompanied by a legal parent/guardian at all times. The legal parent or guardian must also sign the liability waiver prior to using the facilities at The Form Lab.


  • We encourage clients to bring their own mat to yoga classes. We do have mats available for a small rental fee.

  • Shoes are not required in class.


  • We cannot accept bookings or cancellations for another member. Each individual is responsible for scheduling on their own behalf.

  • Arrivals and Departures

    • All sessions and classes start at HH:00 (on the hour) and end promptly at HH:55 (five minutes before the hour) unless class time specifies 45 minutes in which case the class will end at HH:45. Please honor the appointment end time to allow for your trainer/coach to set up for the next session/class and allow those clients to enter promptly.

    • All clients awaiting a class or session must wait in the lobby for their trainer/coach to bring them into the gym space. This allows clients to leave on time and your session/class to start on time.

    • We do not offer open gym time for the safety of our clients and to ensure we have sufficient space and equipment for group classes and personal training clients. As such, please do not use equipment before or after your session or class time.

  • Equipment:

    • Please return all equipment to the space(s) provided.

    • Please wipe down any equipment used during a class/session when & as instructed by coaches/trainers.

  • We reserve the right to cancel a membership, class, or sessions, or permanently deny entry to clients at any time if their actions or behaviors are disrespectful to staff and/or other clients. A written notice of cancellation and rationale will be emailed to the address on file if this arises.

  • Headphones/earbuds are not allowed at any time during a class or session.

  • Classes may be held during inclement weather. Cancellation policies are still in effect during these times. We will make every effort to post on social media if and when we undergo a full or partial day’s closure due to storms, road conditions, and/or power outages.

  • Attire

    • Always bring a clean pair of indoor athletic footwear. We do not allow bare feet or socks-only in the gym (with the exception of yoga).

  • Unattended children and pets are not allowed in the gym facility at any time.

  • Unpaid visits:

    • If we cannot charge your account for a session/class, we will reach out to you to settle the unpaid balance.

    • If a service/session/class is not reconciled after 30 days, a late fee will fee added to the amount owed.

    • If after 90 days and the service/session/class is not paid, the issue will be sent to collections.

  • Illness & Covid policies:

    • Please make every effort to provide adequate notice if you are ill to not incur late cancellation fees.

    • For clients that test positive for COVID, we will not charge late-cancellation fees if this is the reason for canceling a class or appointment

    • Clients may return to The Form Lab a minimum of 5 days after  testing positive for COVID only if they are asymptomatic.

    • We do not accept COVID exposure or likely-but-untested COVID symptoms as a reason for waiving late cancellation fees.

Updated 9/9/24