Personal Training

This is where you’ll truly learn how to move your body.  In personal sessions, individualized attention to detail from our certified trainers will be a constant. We emphasize proper movement by watching each rep, breaking down form, and programming training sessions to fit your individual needs. Choose between Individual (1:1) or Paired Partner (2:1) training sessions. All sessions are 55 minutes.


• Consultation: $30
• Individual (1:1) Training Sessions: $89
• Paired Partner (2:1) Training Sessions: $59
• Kinotek Body Scan: $55

New to personal training at TFL? You must first book a 30 minute consultation ($30). This lets the trainer get to know you, your goals, be made aware of injuries. and/or mobility issues, and prepare programming designed specifically for you! Book your consult below! All consults include a free Kinotek body scan (see below).

Had your consultation and ready to book? Book a session below, or to book recurring sessions, call 207.742.8359, send an email to, or book in person with one of our front desk staff.

Want to book a partner session(s)? Please call 207.742.8359, send an email to, or book in person with one of our front desk staff. Partner sessions must be approved by TFL staff and ALL clients must have had an initial consultation prior to the first working session.


Want a mobility evaluation? Our Kinotek biomechanics technology is for you!. Kinotek Body Scans are performed in every personal training consultation and throughout our personal training sessions, but you can access this in a stand-alone 30 minute appointment. Just select an available trainer and request the "Kinotek Body Scan" appointment-type. Your trainer will walk you through a set of five basic movements (or choose your own based on your interest):
• squat arms forward
• squat arms overhead
• shoulder flexion
• shoulder rotation
• thoracic flexion

You will be able to visualize your movement and receive a report with a score for each movement based on American Medical Association Guidelines. Consult with your trainer about recommendations based on your report!