Finding what you’re capable of…together



James & Jordan Parkington
Jordan 30, James 33
Gender: Female, Male
Relationship: married for 2 years

Sarah O: Where were you on your fitness journey BEFORE The Form Lab?

James: We moved to Portland during COVID, and were looking for a safe way to be healthy while working remotely. We needed more comprehensive fitness and we were missing some structure even though we were biking outside and doing online workouts. We had started group classes at a previous gym in Portland, and followed that trainer to The Form Lab. I’d been interested in lifting but hadn’t had proper training and was getting hurt a lot.

Jordan: My original motivation was to get ready for our upcoming wedding, I wanted to look fit for my wedding dress honestly. I also wanted sustainable fitness, something I could keep up, but other than group classes, I wasn’t sure what to do. I’d done bar classes, but didn’t know anything about strength training. I wanted to try something outside of my comfort zone.

Sarah O: How did you find TFL, why did you join?

James: I had trained with Keenan (a former trainer at TFL who moved to Chicago) at a previous gym and followed him to The Form Lab. When I joined TFL, I really loved the group classes, they were more challenging…and I leave every class feeling like a winner. You know, some days, I’m not in the mood for cardio or weights, so I just knock out the other parts of the workout. That's the benefit of the three stations in the class (strength, rower, cardio). I consider myself a sponge in learning and this structure really suits me.

Jordan: I actually found TFL on Google, and I needed a plan. My former gym had closed and it had been a big part of my life. I just couldn’t give up my mornings with Lucia! At first, I tried a class with Coach Kat and I felt like it was the right place. It was so much more challenging and we both thought we were in excellent shape. The format of the three different stations and the supersets keep you moving, it really rounds out everything I’m looking for. Everything is so thoughtful in the way the workouts are put together and each coach has their own personality injected into their workouts. It’s the only workout where I feel like I’m not only enjoying it but also seeing the results.

“I leave every class feeling like a winner”

Sarah O: Jordan, I heard that this is your first time powerlifting! What made you give it a try? Why have you stuck with it?

Jordan: It was something James had tried before, but I saw the class of guys and felt like it was something I couldn’t do, and it made me nervous. But James kept encouraging me, and Coach Criag was too…he said I’d squat my own body weight and that he’d trained a lot of women in the past. Now I can’t imagine not doing it! I’m so competitive in a way I wasn’t expecting…with myself. I used to play it safe and reach for weights I knew I could easily lift. Now I know what my body is capable of from challenging myself in barbell classes…which I can apply to my HIIT classes. It comes from my understanding of my max on bench press. I’m excited to be trying Craig’s Advanced Barbell/Olympic Lifting class this year in addition to Lucia’s Women’s Power Hour classes.

Sarah O: James, you had some previous experience with powerlifting, tell me about that and how it was different here at TFL?

James: My dad is a military guy, very fit, and I started lifting with him, it was a bonding experience. Then when I was out on my own in Boston after college, I was lifting, but wasn’t very thoughtful about my form or progressing in a measured way. I just pushed myself and ended up with a lot of elbow and shoulder issues. I recognized eventually I needed a more regimented approach. Moving to TFL, I appreciate the slow days in lifting, the de-load days, the regiment, and the progression. In the Olympic lifts in Advanced Barbell with Craig, we’re gradually increasing our goals. Then I can mix it up and go crazy on cardio in the HIIT classes. It’s really helpful to have someone like Craig telling me what not to do, and giving me very clear guidance…actual coaching. My goals this year are: to bench 1x my body weight, squat 1.5x my body weight, and deadlift 2x my body weight!

Sarah O: As relatively new residents of Portland, how important was the community aspect of the gym you chose?

James: Community was so important…I mean we moved here not knowing anyone… and in the middle of COVID. We knew it would be hard, especially at an age when it’s not so easy to make those connections, and we weren’t working in the office anymore. Now, my whole friend group is at The Form Lab.

Jordan: I totally agree, it was so important, meeting people who have similar interests and goals in mind…and for me, Coach Lucia as an early connection.

“You’re going to have the best workout, feel comfortable, keep going back,
and challenge yourself, they’re well-rounded classes that focus on multiple muscle groups.”

Sarah O: What’s next for 2023?

James: I’m one-third of the way through a data science program at the Roux Institute, so I’m trying to strike a balance, increase my numbers in lifting, and give it a shot today at my 1 rep max! I’m also trying new things like yoga at TFL.

Jordan: I’m starting to do the Advanced Barbell/Olympic lifting class on Fridays with Coach Criag. I feel like I’m on the right path, working with Craig, and Lucia, mixing in HIIT workouts, and staying connected with the community here at TFL. And of course, I’m coming to the deadlift competition in December!

Sarah O: What would you tell a client about TFL who is on the fence about joining?

Jordan: I brag to everyone I know about the gym, the trainers, and the community here. I brought a friend last week..and my sales pitch was: “You’re going to have the best workout, feel comfortable, keep going back, and challenge yourself, they’re well-rounded classes that focus on multiple muscle groups.”

James: I would tell them to build trust with a particular trainer…and everyone here is empathetic and competent. I hadn’t had that experience elsewhere. If you’re unsure what fitness means or what it is, the trainers here are multi-faceted, teaching a wide variety of classes and clients. People think of powerlifting, sweating uncontrollably…but not every class is that. There are a lot of different ways to be healthy and help get you there. Check out the trainers’ bios, and give them a try. TFL offers a picture of holistic health and what that looks like.

Angela WagnerThe Form Lab